English speaking Trainings, Coaching and Team development
We offer English speaking services in cooperation with the Yorkshire Training Centre International in England, Romania and Germany.
The trainers have a broad experience of working with people from various countries and with different cultural backgrounds. There is also a cooperation and exchange with TA colleagues from Romania, the Czech Republic, England and Sweden.
Uta Höhl-Spenceley is experienced in conflict management and team development for multicultural teams within organisations. She offers supervision and coaching for individuals and organisations as well as supervision for coaches in England.
Dave Spenceley works as a supervisor and trainer in England, Germany and Romania, where he also offers English speaking psychotherapy.
We offer especially:
⦁ TA training and leadership training in English within Germany and also outside of Germany
⦁ Team Development for Multicultural Teams, who want to develop their cooperation
⦁ Coaching
⦁ Conflict-management
English speaking therapy with individuals and couples
David Spenceley works in Schwabach, Germany and offers there English speaking therapy with individuals and couples.
He has also runs in Schwabach a therapy group for men, who meet 4 times á year 3 days.
If you are interested, please contact him: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!